Lesher Poultry Farm began as a small backyard flock about 1918. Now over 100 years later, the farm is owned and operated by the third, fourth, and fifth generations. With expansion and advances in technology we continue to produce and deliver a Quality Product with the service and personal care you deserve!
“Our Farm Has Enriched Colonys, Because It Is The Most Hygienic Way To Humanely Raise Chickens”
What We Do At Lesher'S
Raise Our Own Baby Chicks From One Day Old
Grow Corn, Soybeans, And Wheat To Feed To Our Chickens
Grind Our Own Fresh Feed Just A Few Feet From The Chickens
Only Corn, Soybeans, Wheat, Vitamins, And Minerals Are In Our Feed
Eggs Are Packaged For Shipment The Same Day They Are Laid By The Hens
Most Eggs Are Delivered To Customers Within The Same Week They Were Laid